
Marta Mitchell wins Women in Business Award

The Triad Business Journal — along with sponsor First Community Bank — held the Women in Business Expo and Awards Luncheon on April 24 at the Greensboro-High Point Airport Marriott, to honor the top women business leaders in the region. Marta Mitchell was selected as a winner of the 2015 Women in Business Award! Read More

2023-04-06T14:43:19-05:00By |

MMID Wins ASID Excellence in Design Awards

When a prospective client first contacted me to redesign his traditional Lake Jeanette house into something more contemporary and fun, it seemed like a cool project. He said he wanted a “New York Loft” in the middle of the conservative Greensboro neighborhood. Little did I know that a year later I would be winning an A.S.I.D. (American Society of Interior Design) Excellence in Design Award for this project!!!

2019-03-15T11:10:54-05:00By |
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