
MMID Wins ASID Excellence in Design Awards

When a prospective client first contacted me to redesign his traditional Lake Jeanette house into something more contemporary and fun, it seemed like a cool project. He said he wanted a “New York Loft” in the middle of the conservative Greensboro neighborhood. Little did I know that a year later I would be winning an A.S.I.D. (American Society of Interior Design) Excellence in Design Award for this project!!!

2019-03-15T11:10:54-05:00By |

What is High Point Furniture Market All About?

It's that time of year again. Fall Market is upon us. This week, over 75,000 people from all over the world have started gathering in downtown High Point, the furniture capitol of the world and Greensboro's neighboring city. But most people find themselves wondering what is all this excitement about that comes to town twice a year and how does it affect you?

2019-03-15T15:03:58-05:00By |
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