marta mitchell

There’s more to High Point than Just Furniture…

Living in Greensboro, High Point's next door neighbor, we are able to take advantage of many design opportunities the furniture capital provides. On Tuesday we attended Showtime, the fabric market. Similar to the furniture market, Showtime allows the vendors to display the up and coming trends in color, pattern, and materials.

2019-03-15T14:30:23-05:00By |

MMID Wins ASID Excellence in Design Awards

When a prospective client first contacted me to redesign his traditional Lake Jeanette house into something more contemporary and fun, it seemed like a cool project. He said he wanted a “New York Loft” in the middle of the conservative Greensboro neighborhood. Little did I know that a year later I would be winning an A.S.I.D. (American Society of Interior Design) Excellence in Design Award for this project!!!

2019-03-15T11:10:54-05:00By |
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